Master Complex Punctuation with Comma and Semicolon Checker

Comma and Semicolon Checker

Comma and semicolon are the confusing punctuation marks. The comma is commonly used, yet a lot of mistakes are associated with it. Proofreading is very important before we submit any document. You can check your punctuation on your own or you can also use free grammar and punctuation corrector for this purpose. These tools are very accurate and helpful. A variety of such tools is available like comma fixer or semicolon checker. You can also find a comprehensive tool, which offers complete punctuation correction and guidance. Selecting a reliable tool can save a lot of your time and effort and you will get accurate, error-free documents.

Semicolon and Comma: What’s the Difference?

Semicolon and comma are two different punctuation marks. Most of the people use comma most frequently and a semicolon is not commonly used. The reason for that is very simple. Writers have no idea about the use of a semicolon, so they use a comma when they need a pause. Comma and semicolon checker can be used to avoid confusion. Here are some basic differences between the two.

Comma: Comma is about a very little pause between sentences. It is used to connect two clauses when one is dependent and the other is independent. In simple words, comma connects different parts of the sentence. It also separates items in a list. It is also used when writing addresses, dates, and numbers.

Semicolon: Semicolon is used for a pause in the sentence, which is larger than a comma and smaller than a period. It is used to connect two independent clauses when no coordinating conjugation is used. If you want to join many sentences together, and the sentence has its own punctuation marks, semicolon acts as a connecting bridge.

So, these two are entirely different punctuation marks, with different uses. You can use a semicolon check tool, to know the proper use of this mark.

Comma and Semicolon: Some Basic Rules

Comma and semicolon are closely related and often used interchangeably. But the fact is, they cannot replace each other under similar situations. The use of each punctuation mark requires some rules. Here are some basic rules for using comma and semicolon.


  • It is used to connect two independent clauses when they are related to each other.
  • Don’t use connecting conjugation with a semicolon.
  • If items in the list already contain commas, a semicolon will be used to separate items in the list.
  • Use a semicolon with conjunctive verbs.


  • A comma will be used before coordinating conjugation when we connect two independent clauses.
  • It will be used between dependent and independent clauses.
  • When you need to offset appositives from the sentence, you should use a comma.
  • The comma is used to separate items in the series when items are small, and no comma is already there.
  • A comma will follow an introductory verb.
  • A comma will be used before quotation marks.

There are many other rules for using a comma properly. You can use a sentence comma checker for detailed checking.

comma and semicolon checker free

Use of Comma and Semicolon: Few Examples

As mentioned earlier, the use of comma and semicolon is very confusing. To make things clear, here we have a few examples for you.

Examples of comma usage

  1. Ontario, Toronto, is a great place.
  2. Finally, we have a party.
  3. Swan, a beautiful bird, is my favorite.

Examples of semicolon usage

  1. We are planning to go to the water park; I like swimming.
  2. We have different options for a sandwich like eggs, cheese, bacon; tomato, cheese, egg; or lettuce, avocado, sauce.
  3. I have finished my dinner; I am ready for a walk.

Semicolon use checker can solve your problems if you are confused about semicolon usage.

Comma and Semicolon Misuse: Few Examples

Usually, people have no idea about how to use a semicolon in a sentence and it leads to misuse of this important punctuation mark. Here are some examples of misuse of comma and semicolon.

  • Comma misuse examples
  • Incorrect: The car, that hit the wall was old.
  • Correct: The car that hit the wall was old.
  • Incorrect: We play football, but we have not won any match yet.
  • Correct: we play football, but we have not won any match yet.
  • Incorrect: I opened the door, the room was dirty.
  • Correct: I opened the door. The room was dirty.

Use a free comma placement checker and know the right and wrong use of the comma.

  • Semicolon misuse examples
  • Incorrect: I like to play outdoor games; and I cannot sit indoor for long.
  • Correct: I like to play outdoor games; I cannot sit inside for long.
  • Incorrect: We are planning to visit London, UK, Paris, France and Toronto, Canada.
  • Correct: We are planning to visit London, UK; Paris, France; and Toronto, Canada.
  • Incorrect: my mother told me not to go outside in dark, however, I prefer to walk at night.
  • Correct: My mother told me not to go outside in dark; However, I prefer to walk at night.

Fixing Comma and Semicolon: How Our Online Punctuation Checker Can Help?

A lot of mistakes are associated with comma and semicolon usage, like a run-on sentence. It is not possible for a student or writer to know and remember all punctuation rules. Our English comma corrector can help you to fix comma and semicolon mistakes.
You can use it for the correction of academic writing. It checks documents for grammar and spelling as well.
It checks your text for misused words according to the context of your text.
It checks documents for punctuation mistakes. If there is no punctuation, it can guide you use correct punctuation marks.

Comma and semicolon checker is a useful tool to get rid of punctuation issues. Use the tool and see what it has to offer you. Try it now!